Investor-Owned electric companies including:
- Dominion Energy North Carolina
- Duke Energy Carolinas
- Duke Energy Progress
- Rates and charges
- Meter and billing accuracy
- Reliability of electric service
- Quality of service
- Need for new power plants and large power lines
- Routes for new large power lines
- Conservation and renewable energy programs
- Resellers of electricity
- Disconnection of service
- Renewable energy facilities
To a limited degree, the NCUC also regulates:
- Resellers of electricity
- Renewable energy facilities
Municipally-owned utilities and electric membership corporations (cooperatives)
The NCUC does not regulate:
- Electrical wiring inside customer's
- Damage claims, such as food
spoilage from power outages
- Eminent domain decisions or
- Coal ash storage or disposal
- Air or water emissions from power